Local Brantford activist, Joan Minnery, released her first book entitled Walking My Way Back To Me this week. Minnery hosted a book-signing at St. Mary’s Hall on November 3, offering copies of her book and the viewing of her memorabilia.

This is the first book release for Minnery, who details the transformation of her body – and by extension her soul. The book, being in production for close to four years, has come to be a huge inspiration for all of Minnery’s many friends and family. The book signing was later had an intermission in which Minnery herself led an impromptu class of Zumba.
“My ultimate goal is to tell my story,” said Minnery.“There is a lot of misconceptions that people have out there about people who are overweight, and I wanted to dispel that.”
Minnery’s story details how she herself shed over 150 lbs through her own method: “Put Down the Fork and Get Moving”. Minnery’s theory is simple: eating right and exercising regularly. This means eating from all food groups three times a day and ultimately eating home cooked meals. Although she praises the “Put Down the Fork and Get Moving” method, Minnery makes it clear throughout her book that although this method worked for her, it may not have the same life-changing results for everyone.
Being a writer is just the newest identity that Minnery has gained, already being a Zumba and dance instructor, a professional entertainer, a journalist, a blogger, a health advocate, a professional speaker, a music instructor, a health advisor and a mother to boot. “She’s always where she should be,” said Lisa Hendon, Minnery’s daughter-in-law. Needless to say, Minnery is a huge part of the Brantford community, reaching out to all walks of life. “She’s always putting herself out there,” said Pam Humpartzoomian, a close family friend to Minnery. “You can’t go anywhere and mention her name without someone knowing her.”
Minnery has been a huge influence on the community due to her numerous ways of outreach. She seeks to change each person “from the outside in”, providing an exterior change to stimulate an interior change. Always positive and a self-described pint sized Energizer bunny, Joan Minnery proves to be motivated to make positive impacts in whatever way possible.
Minnery draws much inspiration from her family, both her son Bill Minnery, who wrote the Forward, and her life partner Keith Curley. Curley and Minnery shared their first kiss on the third of November. “I met him during my weight loss journey,” said Minnery “Nov. 3 is very prominent and very pertinent to me.”
Curley has motivated Minnery throughout her journey, providing her support. Nov. 3 is also the assigned night for the Zumba class that she teaches. “I began taking Zumba classes, then teaching Zumba classes, then got a little addicted to fitness.” said Minnery.“It has rekindled my love for fitness.”
Walking My Way Back To Me is not available from bookstores, but instead can be ordered from joanminnery.com. It is available in both an e-book format, and in a soft cover, which is available for $20.
1 comment
I just saw this today for the first time. Thanks so much