If you were ever around the Laurier Brantford campus in the summer time, specifically the Research and Academic Centre, you may have heard loud racket coming from the construction of the science labs. Thanks to a $2 million bequest from the estate of a local chemist William Nikolaus Martin, of which Laurier Brantford received half, those labs are now complete and have been in use since the start of the Fall semester.
Now students at LB can earn a Bachelor of Arts and Science in Health Studies. So far, biology and chemistry classes are already being offered, and next year anatomy and physiology classes will be added to the course offerings.
“We really do see that this will attract more students,” said Ann Brandt, Associate Director Development and Alumni Relations. Brandt also said that so far the lab has been well-received by students as well as faculty members, and that they are trying to promote science teachers around the Brant County area to come out and see the lab to promote the new programs to graduating students interested in the newly added program.
The Grand Opening of the lab was held on the November 20, where guests included Vice President of the Brantford campus Dr. Lesley Cooper and Vice President Rob Donelson, acting vice president: Development and Alumni Relations of Laurier in Waterloo. Tours of the lab could be taken after the opening.
“We have a lot to celebrate at Laurier Brantford. The efforts of many have culminated into what we can all be proud of — an incredible place of higher learning that has outstanding space that contributes meaningfully to ongoing research both for students and faculty. We are very lucky to be part of the university at such an exciting time,” said Becca Carroll, Dean of Students, of the newly added science program and lab added to the course offerings.
Carroll looks forward to the future of Laurier Brantford, “The program growth will continue our upward trend of bringing more students to the campus.” said Carroll.