Many university students are looking for an easy break into their ideal career. Whether you get a lucky interview or network with the right person, it all comes down to perseverance and lots of luck.
For me, the ideal career is radio. After thinking of many ways to get my metaphorical foot in the ever-closing metaphorical door, I came up with the perfect solution.
I emailed my favorite Toronto radio host hoping that I would be able to shadow her to learn about radio (and hopefully make some career changing connections). I spent the majority of the letter gushing over her skills as a radio personality and how I hope to one day be just as successful.
Okay, so I exaggerated a little bit, but it worked! She emailed me back and suggested I come in and sit with her in-studio as she did her show.
When the day arrived, I woke up, dressed for success and headed to Toronto. It was a two-hour drive, but I knew it’d be worth it in the end. I was wrong.
I wanted to make a good impression so I showed up early, but was refused entrance into the building. After emailing the radio host, I waited fifteen minutes to be let in.
The day I had been looking forward to actually ended up being 45 minutes of pure humiliation. She was completely unprepared and offered no advice for a career in radio. The most she showed me was how cool Twitter is. She also thought it was necessary to make me watch the office guys sort through concert tickets and fan prizes. Not help – watch.
After about four or five not-so-subtle hints about how busy her next segment was, I suggested I leave and she eagerly accepted. Feeling frustrated and dejected, I walked out onto Yonge Street and hit the Eaton’s Centre for some retail therapy.
As I left, I was feeling completely underappreciated and worthless. Then I came to this realization: just because I’m finishing up university doesn’t mean I’ll step into a career where I’ll be respected and treated fairly from the start. Such respect has to be earned. So thank you, Josie Dye, for being the biggest bitch you could have been and preparing me for the harsh, unforgiving world of radio.