How to avoid kicking the bucket the list

Every New Year’s Eve, everyone talks about how they are going to make drastic changes in their lives, which will inherently lead to them being happier than the last year. By January 3, most people will have forgotten what they promised in a half-drunken stupor, and revert back to the ways of 2012. This is being written in an attempt to allow everyone to have the best 2013 possible, but it does take some planning, will power, and execution.

First, actually take some time to think about what you want to do this year. If it’s imaginable (and at least slightly realistic), it’s doable. Sit down and write a 2013 bucket list—the list can be 10 adventures long or 100; it doesn’t really matter as long as you are forcing yourself to imagine doing new things.

The next step is to plan your attack. Organize your list into categories, e.g. Love, School, Health, and Travel. This will allow you to visualize which areas in your life need the most perking up, therefore allowing you to prioritize your items (which may also be a new practice of 2013). Organizing your to-do list will also make a list of 100 seem much less daunting, and you may even be able to kill two, three, or four birds with one stone.

If you still can’t think of anything, don’t fret; I have a hefty list to get you started.


1. Travel for under $500 dollars to any major city in the United States. (try for accommodations)


2. Learn how to do something. (I’m working on knitting)

3. Join a team, any team

4. Do something with the intentions of telling your future kids, “Yep, I was cool way back then”

5. Lose 10 lbs. (or 15, or 20)

6. Try five new foods.


7. Watch the entire Criterion Collection

8. Read Chuck Klosterman’s novels (there are two, it will be a breeze)


9. Get an A in a class you hate


10. Sponsor a child from a third world country


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